About us

We are  located in Germany Bavaria in an old renovated factory from 1930 (due to safety reasons we wear our Lederhosen not during work).

Work-happiness-balance is our recipe for success. Happy people are are more balanced and achieve more in their lives. Bring your kids to the lab, your pets too. Our full-time childcare has room for everyone.

Sustainability is not an empty advertising slogan for us. It is our responsibility for our kids, parrents, friends and everyone! to preserve our valuable planet earth. Our lab is powered by a 15-kWp solar array, and additional energy is sourced 100% renewable. We also consistently avoid waste in any form. Processes are constantly optimized for waste and energy savings. This is good for everyone through lean processes, oh yes and its also cool.

You want to  join a cool team and solve even cooler measurement and analyzing problems? Just write us 🙂